HALO rescued Missy from Animal Control where she was brought in as a stray. She had symptoms of a bladder infection which we thought could be cured with a course of meds. Much to our surprise, she had bladder stones! Big ones! She had surgery and had them removed but didn't seem to bounce back as she should. We quickly discovered that the repair to her bladder failed and she was infected with the leakage. Another surgery and about a week at the vet's in intensive care. It was really touch and go for awhile. But Missy ultimately survived, then thrived, and was ready for adoption. Missy went to a home that was healing from a broken heart due to the recent loss of a loved one from cancer. Her adopter often says that Missy came in to her life at just the right time.
FYI, Missy's treatment was over and above our adoption fee. HALO relies on donations to cover such expenses.